Category: Blog

She Will Have Faith in the World’s Renewal

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter  In my book, The World’s Geography of Love, I detail what happens when we surrender our living to the influence of the feminine archetypal energies. Such a surrender balances the overdriven heroic masculine archetype that rules us and our world...

Ancestral Connections

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Tiktok Twitter Jung told us that ‘The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man’ and insight into them must be converted into an ethical obligation” (C.G. Jung quoted in Romanyshyn, 2003, p. 334).  My sense of...

Embodying Insight

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Tiktok Twitter We are easily fixated by new insights into our discontent. And in this era of neo-capitalism, which commodifies all human experience, such insights are ever easier to find through an online cornucopia of information provided by self-help gurus...

In the Garden Wet with Rain

 In the Garden Wet with Rain Geraldine P. Matus Figure 1: Taiwan, Taipei Botanical Gardens Have you experienced a place or space as sacred or transformational? Historically sacred spaces include labyrinths, altars, story circles, and temples such as Stonehenge (England 3000-2000 BCE), Temple to the Delphic Oracle (Greece 300...

Limbo or Voluptuous Unknowing?

 At some point we all experience nothingness. All that we thought was real and what we wanted, and would bet everything on, falls into a void. All our ambition and inspiration seem stagnant—unworthy even of compost. Limbo, despite its discomfort, is also a place of hope, redemption, and...

What I Want Is “God”

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter After a long hike in the Andes we flagged down a bus to the nearest town where we sought rest and lunch. While waiting for our food, I peered around and settled my attention on the typical small-town Andean...

Biochemical Individuality

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter The Roman author Lucretius wrote in De Rerum Natura “what is food to one person may be bitter poison to others”.This blog addresses that sentiment in the context of biochemical individuality. Individual differences in physiology, anatomy, metabolism, environmental exposures...

Nourishment – Love and Truth

For more than 40 years I have been educating women about how to maintain and recover reproductive health using functional medicine and psycho-spiritual modalities. Eventually, everyone’s process has come to the question of nourishment, how to discern and embody it healthfully…


Sevenfold Hathor

 Sevenfold Hathor Vernal Equinox March 20, 2021 In ancient Egypt, soul is the underlying essence of the ancient Egyptian goddess Maat. Maat comes into form because the Nun (the primordial cosmic essence) desires to know itself. Maat midwifes her own becoming from out of Nun’s desire. From this first...