Author: Geraldine Matus

Until This Very Bed Trembles (Catch the Bride’s Bouquet Series)

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter Poem # 6: Until This Very Bed Trembles (Catch the Bride’s Bouquet Series) The series title alludes to Leonard Cohen’s song The Gypsy’s Wife (Cohen, 2001), when Gypsy finds his wife he catches her bridal bouquet in surrenders to...


Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter In my book, The World’s Geography of Love, I detail what happens when we surrender our living to the influence of the feminine archetypal energies. Such a surrender balances the overdriven heroic masculine archetype that rules us and our...

Love and Power

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Tiktok Twitter Wisdom is our ability to act with common sense and insight in ways ethical and compassionate. Wisdom facilitates the harmonization of love and power. C. G. Jung wrote: “Wo die Liebe herrscht, da gibt es keinen Machtwillen, und...

Twist and Shout

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter One hot, humid day in August of 1961I witnessed a spectacular event; well at least spectacular from my six-year-old perspective. For the first time I saw my mother play. She was then thirty-two-years-old, pregnant with her ninth child, and...

Truth or Cruelty

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter As we approach the one-year anniversary of the 2020 resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement, I ponder what the archetype of Truth has to contribute to the social justice dialectic. How does Truth matter to the healing of...

Psalm 793

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter This poem is the third in a series of poem blogs titled Catch the Bride’s Bouquet in reference to Leonard Cohen’s song The Gypsy’s Wife (Cohen 2001). Gypsy’s husband is looking for her and when he sees her surrenders to her.  Ah the...

Silver Coin and Lapis Blue Rose: Symbols of the Self

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter This blog tells of two numinous experiences accompanied by mandala images that symbolically inform my individuation. Whenreviewed along the continuum of my life they demonstrate an evolution towards wholeness, from an initiatory experience (Henderson, 1967/2005) to a mature and beneficial...

Love: Eternally Evolving

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Tiktok Twitter “Dance me to the end of love” (Cohen, 1984). If we could view the interstitial spaces between the molecules of our human being, we would see the energy of love as the glutinum mundi. Yet, getting a grasp of...

She Will Have Faith in the World’s Renewal

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Twitter  In my book, The World’s Geography of Love, I detail what happens when we surrender our living to the influence of the feminine archetypal energies. Such a surrender balances the overdriven heroic masculine archetype that rules us and our world...

Ancestral Connections

Follow Me on Social Medias Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin Tiktok Twitter Jung told us that ‘The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man’ and insight into them must be converted into an ethical obligation” (C.G. Jung quoted in Romanyshyn, 2003, p. 334).  My sense of...